Michele Milano
- Jun 18, 2022
- 5 min
Artist Statement
My belief is that Art is something remarkable, which stands apart from our ordinary, daily routine. Call it a mirage, a dream, fantasy or a vision. This my perspective from which I seem to work. I surround myself in “audio art” as a musician in a forested studio setting, whether I am painting, photographing or striving to create Beautiful, tangible Art as a Jewelry Artist.
I love to photograph nature in all its forms and on canvas I work primarily in Oils. My Jewelry work features Organic Materials, as I love the natural integrity and energy of metals, glass, and crystals; precious and semi-precious stones. My goal is to showcase these natural elements in a design, which best shows off their innate characteristics: all the while remaining-hopefully--“outside the box”.
I am a classically trained Metalsmith-Jewelry Artist and Musician who has lived and trained on both US coasts as well as in Germany and France. My belief is that an artist is ever striving for perhaps the unattainable perfection of the craft—therefore, we continually seek to improve our skills.
My favorite materials are Precious and Semi Precious Gems, Sterling and Fine Silver, Bronze, Brass , Copper and Precious Metal Clay.
The latest addition to my ARTS WORLD is the publishing of my FIRST Children's book: RASCAL in PARIS!! This is the first in a series of Rascal Adventures where my goal as an author is FUN-ADVENTURE-LEARNING: Each book ends with a 2 page list of FUN FACTS about the location of Rascal's adventures.
STAY TUNED for the publishing of my First Romantic Suspense Novel: Rook to Strasbourg!!!! Expected to appear on Amazon early 2024!
Come out to Spelled Ink for Michele Milano's
book signing!
She will be at the store from 1-3pm
on Saturday, August 10th:
132 WEST Main St.
Orange, Va 22960
Here's the link
Original Photography by Michèle Milano of the Hudson Valley, Croton-on-Hudson, Peekskill and Chatham Manor, Fredericksburg, Virginia
To view all of my pieces on Brush Strokes Gallery click here.
I love to share my passion for music, jewelry making and artistic endeavors in my blog below. So many people have encouraged me to write so here ya go.