About Michele Milano. AKA "Michele Keys"
Second Grade marked 7 year old Michele Milano’s entrance into the music world and the FLUTE became her first musical love. From there until middle school, Michele played in her school bands,
So MUCH fun, or so she thought, until one day when her father pulled into the driveway with an upright piano in the back of his pickup.
No question, Michele now had a new love! Never being told or scolded to practice—rather—she was often told NOT to spend so much time at the keys!
And so, from then till now, Michele stayed the course on a musical journey, which took her not only to accomplish a BA in Music from the University of Mary Washington to Graduate Studies at The Catholic University of America and also on many unexpected adventures:
Singing at Notre Dame, a private concert at a Chateau in the French Champagne Region of Reims, Singing Mozart at the Cathedral of Augsburg in Germany to a televised World Youth Day Concert in France, syndicated Television in the states…

BUT WAIT-Singing? Singing had never actually been in the cards for Michele—or so she thought.
Always in pursuit of the brass ring of perfection, while attending a group singing class at The University of Puget Sound in Washington State—the professor (The Voice Chair) asked that she stay behind class one day: Uh-Oh, she thought, just like with the nuns at school—‘I’m going to be told I’m too loud’. Well, her mother always told her that with that “voice” she’d make perfect casting as an Italian Fish Wife!
But- NO-! Dr. So and So sat her down and asked her if she realized that she had A VOICE but, not just any voice, but a potentially GREAT voice! WHAT??? And if she studied hard, she could perform on most any of the world’s opera stages!!
Never having sung outside the shower and with soap on a rope as her“mic”, Suddenly, Michele began a completely unexpected—shocking—new musical adventure into scary, uncharted territory with a 7 note vocal range!
Her studies in Washington State were abruptly cut short by Michele’s husband’s job transfer and she found myself at The University of Mary Washington in Virginia and was assigned Sandra Bullock’s Mom as her new voice teacher: Helga Bullock.
Learning to sing as a total non-singer was tough. It was actually Helga who got “the voice” out of Michele. Never taking “I can’t “, “no way” or any excuse, Michele spent 4 years under Helga Bullock’s tutelage and emerged with a nearly 4-octave range with the rarest of vocal “fachs”, a Dramatic Coloratura.
Michele went on to study under many other professionals from New York City Opera, Broadway, The Metropolitan Opera and in a variety of academic milieus as well. Currently, Michele trains with Dr. Mariana Mihai-Zoeter. Michele feels she’s the best in the field!
Having concertized in Germany, France, Los Angeles, New York, Washington DC and Northern Virginia. Along with concertizing, Michele Milano’s accomplishments include:
Choral Director of Religious and Secular Choruses
Recording Artist of Jazz and Musical Theater genres
Teacher of K-12
Private Piano/Voice Teacher
Church Music Director for Most Mainstream Denominations
Performed for: PBS Executives, Citibank, Carfax, The American News Women’s Club, Motley Fool, Goldman Sachs Execs, various Ambassador’s, Major Cities Chiefs Association, Religious Dignitaries, Government agencies, and many others.
Notable Venues:
Several Performances at The French Embassy of DC
The Italian Embassy
UAE Embassy
The French Ambassador’s Residence
Notre Dame
The Cathedral of Augsburg, Germany
The Strathmore
DC’s Ampeer Mansion
The Alliance Française
Queen Mary Cruise Ship
The Mayflower Hotel
The Fairmont Hotel
Carfax National Event at the Westfield’s Marriott
The University Club of DC
The Belle Haven Club
Columbia Country Club
Various Hyatts and Hiltons
Churches, Stages, Restaurants, Clubs and Corporate Event Venues

In the end: Michele often thinks back on from where she’s come: From a gift of an old upright piano to the Sanctuary at Notre Dame to a Chateau in the French Champagne Region to the Embassies of DC and to the famous Strathmore.
And now, looking forward: As they say: The BEST is yet to come! Click on a photo below to start the slideshow!