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Aria Artscapes Process

Inspiration for my paintings comes from my love of nature, specifically landscape scenes:  Rivers, Ocean scenes, Valleys, Mountains, Parks, Gardens, etc…


I’m definitely mostly a mountain and forest gal…growing up in Croton-on-Hudson, New York where rich forests and mountains seem like endless eye candy, just everywhere providing endless inspiration for me.


Driving around the Hudson Valley serves as a magnificent means of this:  From Croton Point Park to Bear Mountain and then to Perkins Drive: Really anywhere along the Hudson River!


From there, I seem to naturally flow into photographing these splendid scenes, then also branching out into painting and photographing florals:  Mostly my own garden, public park gardens and my mother’s garden.

I grew up with my prodigy Father who painted and sketched every moment that he could.  It took me a long time to seriously try this painting medium myself, because I always felt inferior to his talents…


So with that background, I first took lessons from a fabulous local artist, and then launched into Bill Alexander and Bob Ross.  From there, I read books, took too many online courses to list and just kept working for the last several years trying to “find myself” on canvas.


I prefer “Wet on Wet” technique with Oils.   This seems to suit me best.  Our former home was situated within a beautiful forest and I have used our home forest and garden in several of my paintings…


Here then, on this page are photos  and video of several stages of one of my latest paintings:

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